Text General to 419-738-3161 to give
For undesignated donations donate to the General Fund
Text Foodpantry to 419-738-3161 to Give
We operate a choice food pantry where individuals or families can shop for food, health & hygiene items, and cleaning supplies.
Text Bibles to 419-738-3161 to give
The word of God has given us His word for free through the Bible so we distribute Bibles for fee to those seeking His word, directions, and guidance. If you feel lead to give you can donate by visiting our online giving at the link below or by texting Bibles to 419-738-3161
Text Backpack to 419-738-3161 to give
1 in 8 students are at-risk of experiencing food insecurity when school breakfast and lunches are not available.
Text Micro to 419-738-3161 to Give
We supply pantries in the Wapakoneta Elementary, Wapakoneta Middle, Wapakoneta High, Cridersville Elementary. ACE Academy, and Apollo Career Center with ready to eat food, health and hygiene items as well as other requested items the staff see students needing and have no or limited access to.
Text Senior to 419-738-3161 to Give
We provide food to home bound seniors who have a food need but unable to come to our pantry. Once the food boxes are prepared Auglaize County Council on Aging delivers the food directly to their homes. Findings reveal that 5.5 million seniors (7.1% or 1 in 14) were food insecure in 2021. (
Text Rx to 41-738-3161 to Give
We help people obtain critical prescriptions that they would otherwise have to go without.
Text Jail to 419-738-3161 to Give
Mercy Unlimited supports chaplain services, Celebrate Recovery programing, as well after care (upon release) to inmates of the Auglaize County Correctional Facility.
Text Homeless to 419-738-3161
Mercy Unlimited helps meet the basic needs (food, clothing) as well as temporary shelter (when funds are available, and help those experiencing homelessness to find permanent housing. If funding is available we can assist with rent, housing deposits, utilities deposit upon securing permanent housing.